We are excited to run a monthly Quotes for a Cause campaign. Each month, our agency will be donating $5 per new business quote to a nonprofit or charitable organization, regardless of whether or not the policy is actually purchased.

In August, we are partnered alongside the Michigan Wildlife Conservancy (MWC)! MWC has been restoring wetlands, prairies and streams with the help of members and friends since 1982. We were able to drop by today and present Executive Director John Ropp with a check for $500!
To date, the Michigan Wildlife Conservancy has helped restore 319 private and 49 public land wetland projects totaling over 10,000 acres. They have completed 38 upland habitat improvement projects and improved fish habitats through 71 stream restoration projects totaling hundreds of miles. MWC has established 61 sites between 1-25 acres at nature centers, zoos and schools throughout the state for wildlife habitat demonstration and education areas.
Why "helped" restore? Because MWC doesn't take full credit for the restorations they've accomplished. They always work in cooperation with others, such as landowners, volunteers, businesses, government and funding sources to keep costs down. By cooperating with and involving others, MWC leverage's additional funding and volunteer help to accomplish their goals. In the process, they help many people become part of the process of helping wildlife.
If you would like to make a donation to the Michigan Wildlife Conservancy, you can donate here.