We are excited to run a monthly Quotes for a Cause campaign. Each month, our agency will be donating $5 per new business quote to a nonprofit or charitable organization, regardless of whether or not the policy is actually purchased.
For the month of May, we partnered with the Friends of the Lansing Regional Trails and are able to present them with a check for $500. The Friends of the Lansing Regional Trails was started in 2014 as the Friends of the Lansing River Trail by a group of people dedicated to using the LRT and a desire to maintain and improve it. With the opening of the new connected trails, Sycamore Trail and South Lansing Pathway, and the passage of the Ingham County Trails Millage, it became clear that the trail system in the Lansing area was going to grow significantly with the Lansing River Trail at its core.
The Lansing area has many Friends groups and other like-minded organizations with a fantastic group of people who devote significant time to their park or section of trail. The Friends of the Lansing Regional Trails takes a broader look at the whole region and works to support other groups as well as their own efforts. It's all to make the Lansing region one of the best areas to live and play.