We are excited to run a monthly Quotes for a Cause campaign. Each month, our agency will be donating $5 per new business quote to a nonprofit or charitable organization, regardless of whether or not the policy is actually purchased.
In September, we partnered with Uplift our Youth Foundation, which empowers youth to achieve success and live healthy productive lives. They provide funding to smaller and under funded non-profit organizations and programs that directly impact youth in Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton counties. We were able to present them with a check for $500.
The Foundation is a catalyst for Greater Lansing that inspires hope, produces financial support, and impacts youth in such a way, it affects a generation to keep on giving. This year, they will be having their 18th Annual Grant Award and Fundraising event on Wednesday, November 11th at 7 p.m. Check out the event brochure for more details.