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Courage Over the Edge: Ben Rathbun's Daring Descent for the Women’s Center

As our 'May is Volunteer Month' initiative continues at Rathbun Insurance, this past weekend CEO Ben Rathbun, along with the Lansing LugNuts mascot 'Big Lug,' and many other local thrill seeker/philanthropists repelled down the side of Boji Tower. But this wasn't just an adrenaline-fueled escapade; it was a fundraiser aimed at supporting the Women’s Center of Greater Lansing.

The Women’s Center of Greater Lansing offers vital resources and services in a nurturing environment that encourages women of all backgrounds and ages to realize their full potential. Their commitment to fostering mutual support, insight, and growth resonates deeply with Rathbun Insurance's values.

Ben Rathbun's decision to rappel down the Boji Tower wasn't taken lightly. It was a bold gesture, symbolizing Rathbun Insurance's dedication to giving back to the community in meaningful ways. And the response was overwhelming. Through Ben's courageous descent and the generous contributions from supporters, over $3,600 was raised, adding to the event's remarkable success. In total, the fundraiser raised over $66,000 for the Women’s Center of Greater Lansing.

The impact of this endeavor extends far beyond the dollars raised. It's a testament to the power of collective action, the strength of community spirit, and the unwavering commitment to supporting causes that uplift and empower others. As we reflect on Rathbun Insurance's involvement in Volunteer Month, let's celebrate not only the dollars raised but also the spirit of generosity, courage, and solidarity that drives them forward. It's a reminder that when we come together with purpose and passion, we can create meaningful change and make a profound difference in the lives of others.

To everyone who donated, volunteered, or supported this initiative in any way, thank you. Your contribution has made a tangible difference, bringing hope, support, and opportunity to those who need it most. And as we continue to navigate the challenges of today's world, let's remember the importance of giving back, lifting each other up, and spreading kindness wherever we go.

May this act of daring benevolence inspire us all to find our own unique ways of giving back, keeping the spirit of Volunteer Month alive not just in May but throughout the year. Together, we can create a brighter, more compassionate world for everyone.