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Rathbun Insurance Celebrates Volunteer Month: Empowering Staff with Life-Saving Skills

At Rathbun Insurance, we firmly believe in giving back to our community, not just through financial support but also by actively participating in initiatives that make a tangible difference. That's why we were thrilled when one of our own, Kim Evans, an account manager and local troop leader for the Girl Scouts, approached our management team with a proposal.

Kim's proposal was simple yet profound: to become a certified trainer in Adult First Aid/CPR/AED through the Girl Scouts. It was an opportunity for her professional development and a chance to enhance her community involvement. And for us at Rathbun, it was a chance to further our commitment to safety and well-being.

Just over two years ago, Rathbun Insurance made a pivotal commitment to ensure the safety of both our team members and our valued customers. We invested in comprehensive training, ensuring that all staff members became certified in Adult First Aid/CPR/AED. Fast forward to today, and it was time for our team's re-certification.

With Kim now a certified trainer, the timing couldn't have been more perfect. We seized the opportunity to carve out dedicated time before the hustle and bustle of our daily operations, ensuring that every team member could participate in the in-person training portion of the certification process.

The result? A proud moment for Rathbun Insurance. I'm thrilled to announce that every member of our team is now certified in Adult First Aid/CPR/AED. It's a testament to our dedication to safety and our unwavering commitment to serving our community, both inside and outside the office walls.

But this achievement is about more than just certifications on paper. It's about the peace of mind that comes with knowing we're equipped to handle emergencies should they arise. It's about being proactive in our approach to safety, not just reactive. And it's about embodying the spirit of RAthbun's May is Volunteer Month by giving back in a way that truly matters.

As we reflect on this journey, we're filled with gratitude for Kim's initiative, our management team's support, and the unwavering dedication of every Rathbun team member. Together, we've shown that volunteerism comes in many forms, and sometimes, it's as simple as learning how to save a life.

So here's to Volunteer Month at Rathbun Insurance, to community involvement, and to the power of knowledge. At Rathbun Insurance, we're not just protecting assets—we're protecting people. And that's a cause worth celebrating.