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Volunteering for a Cleaner, Greener Lansing: Cleaning up with the South Lansing Business Association

Ashley McClure Rathbun, Vice President of Finance, and Producer Heather Cooper-Kim had the opportunity to volunteer for the Southeast Lansing "Team up 2Clean up" event organized by the South Lansing Business Association (SLBA) today. It was a fantastic opportunity to give back to our community and contribute to making Lansing a cleaner and greener place to live.

Heather Cooper-Kim, a current board member and past president of the South Lansing Business Association, has been actively involved in SLBA community initiatives for years. Her dedication to making positive changes in Lansing is truly inspiring. Today, she led by example as we rolled up our sleeves to participate in the "Team up 2Clean up" event.

Ashley McClure Rathbun, Vice President of Finance, brought her enthusiasm and energy to the volunteering efforts. With a passion for community involvement and environmental stewardship, Ashley was eager to contribute to the cause.

Together, we joined forces with fellow volunteers from the community to tackle various cleanup tasks around Southeast Lansing. Armed with gloves, trash bags, and a determination to make a difference, we set out to clean up parks, streets, and other public spaces.

Through our involvement today, we hope to inspire others to join in the effort to keep Lansing clean and green. Whether it's participating in community cleanups, recycling more, or simply being mindful of our environmental impact, every individual has the power to make a difference.

At our organization, we believe in living out our "Give It Away to Keep It" value. By giving back to our community, we not only enrich the lives of others but also strengthen the bonds that unite us as neighbors and friends.

Thank you to the South Lansing Business Association for organizing such a meaningful event, and to all the volunteers who came out to support the cause. Let's continue working together to build a better, brighter future for Lansing!