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Rathbun Insurance Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

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Should You Automatically Renew Your Policy?

Most people don’t have much spare time, especially to renew their auto, home, condo or renters insurance. That’s what makes automatic policy renewals so convenient. Setting up automatic renewals of your auto, home or...

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Are You Covered if Personal Items Are Stolen From Your Vehicle?

A vehicle break-in can happen when you least expect it, even in your own neighborhood. Approaching your car and seeing shattered glass from a broken window is unsettling and scary. You’re left dealing with vehicle...

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How To Pick Your Homeowners Insurance Coverage Limits

When purchasing or renewing a homeowners policy, it's important to select the right coverage limit. This is the maximum amount the insurance company will pay for a particular claim. There are many factors to consider...

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Snowmobile Insurance for Winter Enthusiasts

Snowmobiling can be an exhilarating but risky winter sport. Today’s high-powered machines can weigh as much as 600 pounds, reach speeds as high as 200 miles per hour and cost well over $10,000. Property damage and...

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Safeguard Against Ice Dams

An ice dam is a thick ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof. It prevents melting snow from draining off, forcing the melted water to seep underneath shingles. The water can leak into your home, damaging...

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VIDEO: Understanding the Hard Insurance Market and Cost Sharing

In the dynamic landscape of the insurance industry, we currently find ourselves amidst what experts term a "hard market." This phase challenges insurance companies to reevaluate their strategies in the face of mounting...

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What can an Independent Insurance Agent do for you?

Looking to change your auto insurance, cover your home for damage or get liability insurance? An independent insurance agent can help you with all of these needs. What makes independent agents different from “captive”...

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What Plumbing Mishaps Will Your Homeowners Insurance Cover?

Imagine a pipe bursts and water spreads throughout your home, damaging everything in its path. Your insurance would pay for repairs and loss of use while renovations are underway. There is one caveat, though: The cause...

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Importance of timely insurance premium payments!

In the realm of financial planning, insurance serves as a safety net that shields individuals, families, and business from unexpected and potentially devastating losses. Whether it’s health, life, auto, liability, or...

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Demystifying Insurance Rates: How Carriers Set Premiums and the Role of Independent Insurance Agencies

Insurance is an essential aspect of financial planning and risk management. It provides a safety net that helps individuals and businesses safeguard themselves against unforeseen events and unexpected expenses. However,...

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Understanding Underwriting Decisions vs. Coverage Decisions

At Rathbun Insurance, we understand that traversing the world of insurance can be complex and overwhelming. In this blog, we'll shed light on the crucial difference between underwriting decisions and coverage decisions....

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Business Insurance Renewals Often Mean Changes to Terms

Commercial insurance rates are increasing on nearly every line of coverage, thanks to a rise in the frequency and severity of claims. And business owners are noticing significant premium hikes at policy renewal time....

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Prepare for Emergencies with Rathbun Insurance: September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month, and it's the perfect time to ensure you're ready for unexpected disasters. The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) is emphasizing the importance of...

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Why does my agent ask me so many questions?

When purchasing insurance, you may have noticed that insurance agents ask a lot of questions. This can often seem like an intrusive and time-consuming process, but it is actually a necessary part of the insurance...

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Why Young Adults Need Umbrella Insurance: Protecting Yourself from the Unexpected

As a young adult, you may not be thinking about purchasing insurance, let alone an umbrella insurance policy. However, it's important to understand that accidents and unexpected events can happen at any time and it's...

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Congratulations Newlyweds! Don't Forget to Insure Your Wedding Ring

We just wanted to take a moment to say congratulations on your recent marriage! We hope your wedding day was filled with love, joy, and memories that will last a lifetime. As you start your new life together, we know...

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